BEDES Dictionary

Version 2.6

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Term Term Definition Lists Unit of Measure
Subaddress Identifier

The letters, numbers, words, or combination thereof used to distinguish different subaddresses of the same type when several occur within the same feature. For example, in subaddress "Building 4", the Subaddress Identifier = "4". Subaddress Identifier can also be parts of a building, for example "Penthouse" or "Mezzanine".

Subaddress Type

The type of subaddress to which the associated Subaddress Identifier applies.

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Telephone Extension

Extension number ot reach the contact.

Telephone Number

Telephone number associated with the contact. Format: Country code (area code) NNN-NNNN.

Telephone Number Label

The type of telephone number, to distinguish between multiple instances of Telephone Number.

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Utility Services

Energy services offered by the utility, please se Resources for a complete list of constrained list options.

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Years of Experience

Number of years of experience of the person being described by the Role term.

ZIP Code

A system of 5-digit codes that identifies the individual Post Office or metropolitan area delivery station associated with an address.

ZIP Plus 4

A 4-digit extension of the 5-digit ZIP Code (preceded by a hyphen) that, in conjunction with the ZIP Code, identifies a specific range of USPS delivery addresses.

Term Term Definition Lists Unit of Measure
Air Infiltration Blower Door Test

Type of blower door test.  Use Air Infiltration Test to qualify these values.

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Air Infiltration Description

Description of the infiltration characteristics for an opaque surface, fenestration unit, a thermal zone.

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Air Infiltration Test

Type of air infiltration test performed on the premises

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Air Infiltration Value

The measured value from the Air Infiltration test.

Air Infiltration Value Units

The units of measure for the Air Infiltration Value field.

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Attic Access Location

Description of where the attic is located, generally thought of as what type of space (conditioned or not) it is next to. Use the Conditioning Status term for a full list that can be applied to this term.

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Attic Component

Element of an attic

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Attic Venting

Description of how the attic is vented. Use the Conditioning Status term for a full list that can be applied to this term.

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Ceiling Configuration

Description of the type of ceiling in the premises.

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Construction Method

The general description of the main structural construction method used for an Opaque Surface.

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Door Construction

Type of door construction.

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A premises component that contain some type of transparent or translucent glazing material, as well as some type of framing or sash material. [NOTE: The Location term can be added to this term if there is a need to differentiate between interior and exterior fenestration products, or in any other way describe the location of the product.]

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Fenestration Assembly Type View None
Fenestration Certification

Type of certification for a fenestration product.

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Fenestration Frame Material

The construction and material used in the frame of the fenestration product. Some frames are made of combinations of materials. This characterization also include whether an aluminum frame has a thermal break as part of the construction

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Fenestration Gas Fill

For a sealed glazing system (commonly called an Insulated Glass Unit (IGU), the gas that is found between the panes of glass.

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