Version 2.6

Term Term Definition Options Unit of Measure
AKGD ASCC Alaska Grid / Alaska Power Grid View None
AKMS ASCC Miscellaneous / Alaska Power Grid View None
AKST View None
AL Alabama View None
AL Alabama View None
All HVAC View None
All week Every day of the week that is not an observed holiday. View None
All zones Located in all zones within a building View None
All zones Located in all zones within a building View None
Alley Commonly used street suffix or abbreviations: Allee, Ally, Aly View None
Alley Commonly used street suffix or abbreviations: Allee, Ally, Aly View None
Alternating current output UPS UPS that supplies power with a continuous flow of electric charge that periodically reverses direction. View None
Alternating current output UPS UPS that supplies power with a continuous flow of electric charge that periodically reverses direction. View None
Alternative water Water that is not obtained from a surface water source, groundwater source, nor purchased reclaimed water from a third party. It can include rainwater or stormwater harvested onsite, sump pump water harvesting, gray water, air-cooling condensate, reject water from water purification systems, water reclaimed onsite, or water derived from other water reuse strategies. View None
Alternative water Water that is not obtained from a surface water source, groundwater source, nor purchased reclaimed water from a third party. It can include rainwater or stormwater harvested onsite, sump pump water harvesting, gray water, air-cooling condensate, reject water from water purification systems, water reclaimed onsite, or water derived from other water reuse strategies. View None
Alternative water Water that is not obtained from a surface water source, groundwater source, nor purchased reclaimed water from a third party. It can include rainwater or stormwater harvested onsite, sump pump water harvesting, gray water, air-cooling condensate, reject water from water purification systems, water reclaimed onsite, or water derived from other water reuse strategies. View None
Alternative water Water that is not obtained from a surface water source, groundwater source, nor purchased reclaimed water from a third party. It can include rainwater or stormwater harvested onsite, sump pump water harvesting, gray water, air-cooling condensate, reject water from water purification systems, water reclaimed onsite, or water derived from other water reuse strategies. View None
Alternative water Water that is not obtained from a surface water source, groundwater source, nor purchased reclaimed water from a third party. It can include rainwater or stormwater harvested onsite, sump pump water harvesting, gray water, air-cooling condensate, reject water from water purification systems, water reclaimed onsite, or water derived from other water reuse strategies. View None
Aluminum no thermal break A fenestration framing system composed of aluminum, but without any low conductance material in the system that would prevent thermal bridging, so that heat can flow unrestricted through the highly conductive aluminum material from the outside to the inside of the frame. View None
Aluminum Thermal break A fenestration framing system composed of aluminum, which is a highly conductive material, that has one of more elements of low conductance material which reduce the flow of heat through the frame. View None
Aluminum uncategorized A fenestration framing system composed of aluminum, when it cannot be determined whether or not there is a thermal break in the framing system. View None
Always on View None
Ambient Exposed to ambient air View None
AMX192 AMX192 (often referred to simply as AMX) is an analog lighting communications protocol used to control stage lighting. View None
Anaerobic biodigester An anaerobic biodigester, contains methane, a natural by-product of anaerobic digestion of landfill refuse, sewage, and other products, which can be converted into electricity through conventional combustion processes. Equipping landfills and other facility premises (e.g., wastewater and manure treatment facilities) to capture biogas provides a source of on-site generation from a byproduct that would otherwise be wasted. View None


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