BEDES Dictionary

Version 2.6

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Assessment Compliance Target Date

Date a premises is expected to achieve assessment recognition, including in the appropriate cases, third party verification

Assessment Eligibility

Eligibility of a premises for assessment recognition.

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Assessment Level

Value from assessment programs that produce a descriptive (rather than numeric) rating, such as LEED or NGBS.

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Assessment Program

Program which issues energy labels, ratings, or sustainability certifications.

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Assessment Program Organization

The name of the body or group providing the verification or certification assessment program. More than one can apply to a premises. 

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Assessment Program URL

A link to the specific rating or scoring details for the premises directly from and hosted by the sponsoring body of the program. Typically provides thorough details; for example, which points were achieved and how, or in the case of a score what specifically was tested and the results.

Assessment Recognition

Different rating systems within an Assessment Program.

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Assessment Recognition Status

Status of recognition for an assessment program.

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Assessment Recognition Status Date

Date when assessment recognition status first applied.

Assessment Recognition Type

Type of recognition awarded through assessment program.

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Assessment Tool

Tools that provide a performance ranking based on a peer group of similar buildings.

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Assessment Value

Value from assessment programs that produce a numeric metric, such as Energy Star Score, Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index Score, Home Energy Score

Assessment Version

Version of the assessment documentation, such as "2.0"

Assessment Year

Year the assessment qualifications for recognition were documented.

Benchmark Peer Group

The group of buildings that the premises in question is being compared against.

Benchmark Percentile

Assessed percentile standing for the premises relative to benchmarking peer group.

Benchmark Type

The type of benchmark being used

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Builder Model

The builders model name or number for the property.

Class Height

Vertical extrapolation of wind speed based on the 1/7 power law

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Climate Zone

Based on the Climate Zone Type term, this is the climate zone designation. For example, if the Climate Zone Type is ASHRAE, and the climate zone for this site fell into the Hot - Humid zone, this term would have the value of "2A".

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Climate Zone Type

The climate zone type, based on the organization defining it. Many different organizations have implemented different climate zone definitions based on their needs. The list below represents the current list. This list can be added to over time based on the collaborative BEDES development process.

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Construction Status

Indicates whether the premises is in design or in existing operation.

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Construction Status Date

Date when the construction status first applied.

Distance To Freeway

Distance from property to the nearest freeway.

Distance To Public Transportation

Distance from premises to the nearest public transportation.

