Version 2.6

Term Term Definition Options Unit of Measure
Wash Wash mode is when the machine is actively running a cycle and is spraying wash water. View None
Waste Waste (generic) View None
Waste Waste View None
Waste Waste View None
Waste Waste View None
Waste Waste View None
Waste Waste View None
Waste Destination

Destination of managed waste materials

View None
Waste heat View None
Waste heat Byproduct heat resource from a type of equipment that's captured and may be repurposed. View None
Waste heat Byproduct heat resource from a type of equipment that's captured and may be repurposed. View None
Waste heat Byproduct heat resource from a type of equipment that's captured and may be repurposed. View None
Waste heat Byproduct heat resource from a type of equipment that's captured and may be repurposed. View None
Waste heat Amount of heat energy rejected to its surroundings. View None
Waste heat Byproduct heat resource from a type of equipment that's captured and may be repurposed. View None
Waste Incineration Percentage

Incineration percentage of waste by disposal route (% of total waste)

View percent
Waste Landfill Percentage

Landfill percentage of waste by disposal route (% of total waste)

View percent
Waste Management Type

Method of managing waste materials

View None
Waste Material

Materials that may be recycled, reused, salvaged, disposed of, or composted

View None
Waste Recycling Percentage

Recycling percentage of waste by disposal route (% of total waste)

View percent
Waste to energy Waste to energy View None
Wastewater Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. Municipal wastewater is usually conveyed in a combined sewer or sanitary sewer, and treated at a wastewater treatment plant. View None
Wastewater Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. Municipal wastewater is usually conveyed in a combined sewer or sanitary sewer, and treated at a wastewater treatment plant. View None
Wastewater Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. Municipal wastewater is usually conveyed in a combined sewer or sanitary sewer, and treated at a wastewater treatment plant. View None
Wastewater Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. Municipal wastewater is usually conveyed in a combined sewer or sanitary sewer, and treated at a wastewater treatment plant. View None


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