Version 2.6

Term Term Definition Options Unit of Measure
W/(m-K) watts per meter-Kelvin (thermal conductivity) View None
W/(m2-K) watts per square meter-Kelvin (thermal transmittance) View None
W/ft2 watts per square foot View None
W/K watts per Kelvin (thermal conductance) View None
W/m2 watts per square meter View None
WA Washington View None
WA Washington View None
Waiting area A waiting area is a space where people sit or stand until an event begins and often exist at a hospital. View None
Walk Commonly used street suffix or abbreviations: Wk, Wlk View None
Walk Commonly used street suffix or abbreviations: Wk, Wlk View None
Walk in A large refrigeration room that allows walk-in accessibility. View None
Walking Score

A walkability index based on the time to walk from a property to nearby essentials such as grocery stores, schools, churches, etc. See for more information and requirements for using WalkScore.

View None
Walks Commonly used street suffix or abbreviations: Wlks View None
Walks Commonly used street suffix or abbreviations: Wlks View None
Wall Commonly used street suffix or abbreviations: Wall View None
Wall A vertical (generally) construction in a premises that creates the enclosed space. Use the Location term if needed to distinguish between Interior and Exterior walls. View None
Wall Commonly used street suffix or abbreviations: Wall View None
Warehouse Premises with warehousing and storage facilities excluding refrigerated spaces such as bulk farm products. View None
Warehouse refrigerated Premises with refrigerated warehousing and storage facilities that provide services including blast freezing, tempering, and modified atmosphere storage. View None
Warehouse self storage Self-storage providing secure premises where clients can store and retrieve their goods. View None
Warehouse storage View None
Warehouse unrefrigerated Premises with warehousing and storage facilities excluding refrigerated spaces, such as petroleum, lumber, and documents. View None
Warmest reset View None
Warming plate An electric resistance heater is used to maintain brewed coffee at a temperature between 160 and 190¡F. View None
Warranty Duration

The time duration of a warranty for the component

View months


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