Version 2.6

Term Term Definition Options Unit of Measure
VAV terminal box not fan powered no reheat Variable-air volume terminal device with no fan and no reheat View None
VAV terminal box not fan powered no reheat Variable-air volume terminal device with no fan and no reheat View None
VAV terminal box not fan powered with reheat Variable-air volume terminal device with no fan with reheat View None
VAV terminal box not fan powered with reheat Variable-air volume terminal device with no fan with reheat View None
Vendor Identifier for a vendor. View None
Ventilated Premises are ventilated mechanically. View None
Ventilated Premises are ventilated mechanically. View None
Ventilated Premises are ventilated mechanically. View None
Ventilation View None
Ventilation Ventilation system View None
Ventilation Rate

Installed flow rate for mechanical ventilation system.

View cfm
Ventilation Type

Type of ventilation, and use of heat recovery

View None
Ventless A clothes dryer that uses a closed-loop system with an internal condenser to remove the evaporated moisture from the heated air. Moist air is not discharged from the cabinet. View None
Verified Measure or project has been implemented and monitored and verified results to be satisfactory. View None
Verified Data that failed at least one of the required validation checks but was determined to accurately represent usage View None
Vermiculite View None
Version Version identifier View None
Vertical Axis is perpendicular to the plane of the horizon. View None
Vertical View None
Vertical Vertical case doors have sliding doors on the side of a cabinet, often made of glass for display. View None
Vertical Surroundings

Attachments to the outermost vertical surfaces of the premises.

View None
Very cold Building America or DOE zone. View None
Very heavy View None
Very high View None
Very leaky Very high infiltration rate. View None


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