Refrigeration Type

Refrigeration equipment includes a refrigerator or freezer used for storing food products at specified temperatures, with the condensing unit and compressor built into the cabinet, and designed for use by commercial or institutional premises, other than laboratory settings. These units may be vertical or chest configurations and may contain a worktop surface.

Data Type: 
Constrained List
Unit of Measure: 
Commercial, Residential, Multifamily
List Options Option Definition Unit of Measuresort descending
Refrigerator A cabinet designed for the refrigerated storage of food, designed to be capable of achieving temperatures above 32 ¡F (0 ¡C) and below 39 ¡F (3.9 ¡C). A refrigerator may include a compartment for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures below 32 ¡F (0 ¡C), but does not provide a separate low temperature compartment designed for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures below 8 ¡F (-13.3 ¡C), with the condensing unit and compressor built into the cabinet. None
Freezer A cabinet designed as a unit for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures of 0 ¡F (-17.8 ¡C) or below, with the condensing unit and compressor built into the cabinet. None
Combination A cabinet which consists of two or more compartments with at least one of the compartments designed for the refrigerated storage of food and designed to be capable of achieving storage temperatures above 32 ¡F (0 ¡C) and below 39¡F (3.9 ¡C), and with at least one of the compartments designed for the freezing and storage of food at temperatures below 8 ¡F (-13.3 ¡C) which may be adjusted by the user to a temperature of 0 ¡F (-17.8 ¡C) or below. None
Other Other None
Unknown Unknown None
None None None
Not applicable Not applicable None
Term ID: 8c39ee1e-4f69-45c9-a6f6-1e5e2b4eb796