Term Term Definition Options Unit of Measure
Metal panel standing seam Standing seam metal panels are generally used for wall and roof finishes. View None

Brief note on additional information.

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Presence Of Buried Lines

Indication of whether the site contains buried utility lines.

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Presence Of Septic Tanks And Leach Fields

Indication of whether the site contains a septic tank or leach field.

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Shingles composition Shingles, used for example as a finish for a roof or wall, that are made of a combination of different materials. They can include a variation on the traditional asphalt shingle where the felt layer is replaced by fiberglass. Recycled plastics can also be used for the backing and top layer of the shingle. Some versions will include recycled resins and plastics which mimic stone and wood. View None
Shingles slate or tile Shingles, applied as a finish to a wall or roof surface, made of slate or tile (ceramic, concrete) View None
Tractor Trencher Accessible

Indication of whether the site allows access for a tractor or trenching equipment.

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