Common Composite Terms

Many application term mappings require the use of multiple BEDES atomic terms to specify a mapping.  These cases are referred to as Composite Term mappings, where two or more BEDES terms are used to qualify a primary term so that it explicitly matches the application term.

For example, to match an application term intended to capture the annual electricity savings of a measure, you could just use the generic "Resource Savings" atomic BEDES term. However, this would fail to explicitly identify the intent to focus on electricity. It might also be desirable to explicitly differentiate between annual and monthly savings. This can be specified with a composite BEDES term of "Annual Electricity Resource Savings" consisting of the following BEDES atomic terms

Interval Frequency = Annual
Resource = Electricity
Resource Savings = [value]

See the BEDES Mapping Procedure for more information.

The BEDES Example Composite Terms downloadable spreadsheet lists over 1000 example composite terms that have been developed for various application mappings and may be a useful resource for mapping your application terms.

Listed below are examples of composite terms and how they are constituted using BEDES terms.

Composite Termsort descending BEDES Terms Unit of Measure
Absorption Chiller Capacity Cooling Type = Absorption Chiller
Capacity = [volume]
cooling tons
Annual Heating AFUE Efficiency Value Efficiency Qualifier = Annual heating
Efficiency Metric Qualifier = AFUE
Efficiency Value = [value]
Annual Onsite Renewable Electricity Resource Value Interval Frequency = Annual
Resource Boundary = Onsite
Resource Generation = Renewable
Resource = Electricity
Resource Value = [value]
Annual Photovoltaic Exported Electricity Resource Value Interval Frequency = Annual
Energy Generation Technology = Photovoltaic
Resource Generation = Exported
Resource = Electricity
Resource Value = [value]
Annual Site Energy Resource Intensity Interval Frequency = Annual
Resource Boundary = Site
Resource = Energy
Resource Intensity = [value]
Annual Source Energy Resource Intensity Interval Frequency = Annual
Resource Boundary = Source
Resource = Energy
Resource Intensity = [value]
Annual Weather Normalized Heating Resource Value Interval Frequency = Annual
Normalization = Weather normalized
End Use = Heating
Resource Value = [value]
Audit Complied Compliance Status Date Action Category = Audit
Compliance Status = Complied
Compliance Status Date = [value]
Baseline Annual Energy Resource Intensity Temporal Status = Baseline
Interval Frequency = Annual
Resource = Energy
Resource Intensity = [value]
Building Footprint Area Premises Level = Building
Floor Area Qualifier = Footprint
Area = [value]
Chiller Plant Commissioning Cost Technology Category = Chiller plant
Action Category = Commissioning
Cost = [value]
Completed Construction Status Date Construction Status = Completed
Construction Status Date = [value]
Conditioned Building Volume Conditioning Status = Conditioned
Premises Level = Building
Volume = [value]
Cooled Gross Area Conditioning Status = Cooled
Floor Area Qualifier = Gross
Area = [value]
Created Date Date Status = Created
Date = [value]
Direct Annual CO2e Emissions Value Emission Boundary = Direct
Interval Frequency = Annual
Emission Gas Type = CO2e
Emissions Value = [value]
Electricity Demand Rate Charge Value Resource = Electricity
Rate Designation = Demand
Rate Charge Value = [value]
Electricity Demand Tier Maximum Resource = Electricity
Rate Designation = Demand
Tier Maximum = [value]
Energy Auditor Credential Contact Label = Energy Auditor
Credential = [value]
Exterior Shading System Location = Exterior
Shading System = [value]
Floor Quantity Spatial Unit Type = Floor
Quantity = [value]
Gross Area Floor Area Qualifier = Gross
Area = [value]
Gross Floor Area Floor Area Qualifier = Gross
Opaque Surface = Floor
Area = [value]
Ground Floor Bedroom Quantity Location = Ground floor
Spatial Unit Type = Bedroom
Quantity = [value]
Heating Capacity HVAC Category = Heating
Capacity = [value]
Package Estimated Energy Cost Savings Reporting Level = Package
Derivation Method = Estimated
Resource = Energy
Cost Savings = [value]
Pre Retrofit Watts Per Lamp Consumption Rate Temporal Status = Pre retrofit
Consumption Rate Type = Watts per lamp
Consumption Rate = [value]
Primary Occupancy Classification Premises Level = Primary
Occupancy Classification = [value]
Thermal Zone Area Spatial Unit Type = Thermal zone
Area = [value]
Water Meter Quantity Resource = Water
Control Technology = Meter
Quantity = [value]