Weather Metric

Metric related to weather.

Data Type: 
Constrained List
Unit of Measure: 
Commercial, Residential, Multifamily
List Optionssort ascending Option Definition Unit of Measure
Wind speed Wind speed for the site at a height of 10 meters None
Wet bulb temperature Indicated by a psychrometer when the bulb of one thermometer is covered with a water-saturated wick over which air is caused to flow at approximately 900 ft/min (4.5 m/s) to reach an equilibrium temperature of water evaporating into air, when the heat of vaporization is supplied by the sensible heat of the air. None
Unknown Unknown None
Relative humidity Relative humidity can be expressed by partial vapor and air pressure, density of the vapor and air, or by the actual mass of the vapor and air. None
Other Other None
Not applicable Not applicable None
None None None
Humidity ratio Humidity ratio can be expressed as the ratio between the actual mass of water vapor present in moist air - to the mass of the dry air. None
Heating degree days Heating degree days are calculated as the sum of the differences between daily average temperatures and the base temperature, calculated at the ASHRAE base temperature of 50F. Use the Interval Frequency term to characterize whether the HDD calculation is for annual or monthly intervals None
Global horizontal radiation The sum of direct and diffuse solar radiation striking a horizontal plane None
Dry bulb temperature The air temperature measured by a dry temperature sensor or thermometer. None
Direct normal radiation The amount of solar radiation from the direction of the sun None
Diffuse horizontal radiation The radiation component that strikes a horizontal plane from the sky None
Cooling degree days Cooling degree days are calculated as the sum of the differences between daily average temperatures and the base temperature, calculated at the ASHRAE base temperature of 65F. Use the Interval Frequency term to characterize whether the HDD calculation is for annual or monthly intervals None
Term ID: 5d3f7113-5e9b-4a66-b276-0577af6d68dc