Street Name Pre Directional

A word preceding the street name that indicates the directional taken by the thoroughfare. Refer to Cardinal Direction for constrained list. In the examples "North Lane" and "South Carolina Avenue" the directional words are part of the Street Name, not the Street Name Predirectional.

Data Type: 
Constrained List
Unit of Measure: 
Commercial, Residential, Multifamily
List Optionssort descending Option Definition Unit of Measure
East Lying toward, or facing the east. None
None None None
North Lying toward, or facing the north. None
Northeast Lying toward, or facing the northeast. None
Northwest Lying toward, or facing the northwest. None
Not applicable Not applicable None
Other Other None
South Lying toward, or facing the south. None
Southeast Lying toward, or facing the southeast. None
Southwest Lying toward, or facing the southwest. None
Unknown Unknown None
West Lying toward, or facing the west. None
Term ID: 2fe20a30-75e6-4fd4-8265-c04c525e1e7d