
Order of priority, for example: configuration of equipment, or priority of contact information.

Data Type: 
Constrained List
Unit of Measure: 
Commercial, Residential, Multifamily
List Options Option Definition Unit of Measuresort descending
Emergency Only operated in states of emergency. None
Exit Operates constantly to identify exits. None
Secondary The secondary, or second in order of priority. None
Primary The primary, or first in order of priority. Could also be the majority in capacity or existence. None
Tertiary The tertiary, or third in order of priority. None
Backup Reserved as a back-up to be operated if necessary. None
Quaternary Fourth in order of priority None
Redundant Redundant None
Other Other None
Unknown Unknown None
None None None
Not applicable Not applicable None
Term ID: 40627ae4-b6d5-455f-a7d0-b9a7d3c50e9e