Meal Type

The type of meal served in this operation event.

Data Type: 
Constrained List
Unit of Measure: 
List Options Option Definition Unit of Measuresort ascending
Drive through Meals prepared within the premises, to be consumed at some other location. Meal is handed over a drive-thru window. None
Other Other None
Unknown Unknown None
None None None
Not applicable Not applicable None
Breakfast The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning. None
Lunch A meal eaten in the middle of the day, typically one that is lighter or less formal than an evening meal. None
Dinner The main meal of the day, typically more formal and in the evening. None
Coffee Snack A beverage, portion of food, or light meal, between larger meals, including hot or cold beverages, such as coffee, tea, smoothie, etc. None
Dessert The sweet course eaten at the end of a meal or in between meals. None
Catered Party-sized meals are prepared within the premises to be served and consumed None
Dine-in Meals prepared within the premises, to be consumed within the establishment or common seating area. None
Carry-out Meals prepared within the premises, to be consumed at some other location. Meal is delivered, picked up, or handed over a drive-thru window. None
Term ID: 7190bf80-48c0-4dea-9474-de00316be253