Heating Delivery Type

Method for delivering and or distributing heat to the building or Space Function. May be multiple delivery methods for each plant.

Data Type: 
Constrained List
Unit of Measure: 
Commercial, Residential, Multifamily
List Options Option Definitionsort ascending Unit of Measure
VAV terminal box not fan powered with reheat Variable-air volume terminal device with no fan with reheat None
VAV terminal box not fan powered no reheat Variable-air volume terminal device with no fan and no reheat None
VAV terminal box fan powered with reheat Variable-air volume terminal device with fan with a reheat coil mounted on the discharge of the unit. None
VAV terminal box fan powered no reheat Variable-air volume terminal device with fan None
VRF terminal units Variable refrigerant flow terminal unit None
Induction units Uses nozzles or the velocity of the primary air source to induce a flow of secondary air to be mixed with the primary air. None
Unknown Unknown None
Mini split Split system connecting one indoor unit to one outdoor unit None
Multi split Split system connecting multiple indoor units to one outdoor unit None
Other Other None
Not applicable Not applicable None
None None None
CAV terminal box with reheat Constant air volume terminal box with reheat None
Air handler None
Fan coil 2 pipe None
Fan coil 4 pipe None
Perimeter baseboard None
Radiator None
Radiant floor or ceiling None
Other radiant None
Low pressure under floor None
Local fan None
Term ID: 449464b3-25da-4a2a-beec-e7ab69aaf9cd