EMIS Feature

Features of an Energy Management and Information System

Data Type: 
Constrained List
Unit of Measure: 
List Options Option Definition Unit of Measure
Automated system optimization ASO analytics continuously analyzes and modifies Building Automation System control settings to optimize heating, ventilation and air conditioning system energy use while maintaining occupant comfort. It reads data from the BAS and automatically sends optimal setpoints back to the BAS to adjust the control parameters based on data such as submetered energy use and energy price signal. None
Demand management Provide peak demand monitoring. Provide notification when the demand for critical metered loads passes a threshold. None
Energy consumption and costs visualization Track and provide views of the meter points on a sub hourly (e.g., 15-minute) basis. Provide visualizations of real-time (and historic) energy consumption and costs. None
Energy information system functionality EIS analytics focus on meter-level monitoring, analysis, and charting (hourly or more frequent consumption data, at the whole building or submeter level). Advanced EIS analytics incorporate automated opportunity analysis that typically includes predictive energy models that identify energy use anomalies and measure project savings. None
Energy information system key performance indicator tracking Track KPIs for energy related metrics, such as equipment, system, or building level energy use intensity, greenhouse gas emissions. None
Energy performance analysis Analyze interval energy data and provide actionable information. Common analysis includes time series load profiling, heat map visualization, benchmarking, baseline energy consumption modeling, and energy anomaly detection. None
Energy reporting and data export Provide a default or customized energy report. Allow users to export energy data. None
Fault detection and diagnostics FDD analytics automates the process of detecting faults and suboptimal performance of building systems and helps to diagnose potential causes. It focuses on system-level monitoring, analysis, and charting using Building Automation System data. Tools with FDD functionality pull data from the BAS, and may provide a report of the duration and frequency of faults, cost and/or energy impacts, and relative priority levels. None
Fault detection and diagnostics key performance indicator tracking Track KPIs for equipment or system efficiency (e.g., chilled water plant and heating plant efficiency) and comfort-related indoor environmental conditions (e.g., occupant comfort index showing the percent of operating hours within zone target temperature ranges for all spaces). None
Fault prioritization Prioritize fault based on an estimate of impact and recommend actions. None
Fault reporting and data export Generate a default or customized report of the identified faults. Allow users to export operational data. None
Measurement and verification Provide M&V capabilities in accordance with the International Protocol for Measurement and Verification, establish an energy usage baseline prior to the efficiency project, and express savings as a total, for a given pre- and post- efficiency project period. None
None None None
Not applicable Not applicable None
Operational data visualization Visualize and plot time series operational data and control setpoints (e.g., temperature, pressure, flowrate). None
Other Other None
Unknown Unknown None
Term ID: 5ca735cb-eaf1-4fbf-bb31-4c4be056564a