BEDES Dictionary

Version 2.6

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Assessment Recognition Status Date

Date when assessment recognition status first applied.

Assessment Recognition Status

Status of recognition for an assessment program.

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Assessment Recognition

Different rating systems within an Assessment Program.

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Assessment Program URL

A link to the specific rating or scoring details for the premises directly from and hosted by the sponsoring body of the program. Typically provides thorough details; for example, which points were achieved and how, or in the case of a score what specifically was tested and the results.

Assessment Program Organization

The name of the body or group providing the verification or certification assessment program. More than one can apply to a premises. 

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Assessment Program

Program which issues energy labels, ratings, or sustainability certifications.

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Assessment Level

Value from assessment programs that produce a descriptive (rather than numeric) rating, such as LEED or NGBS.

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Assessment Eligibility

Eligibility of a premises for assessment recognition.

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Assessment Compliance Target Date

Date a premises is expected to achieve assessment recognition, including in the appropriate cases, third party verification

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ZIP Plus 4

A 4-digit extension of the 5-digit ZIP Code (preceded by a hyphen) that, in conjunction with the ZIP Code, identifies a specific range of USPS delivery addresses.

ZIP Code

A system of 5-digit codes that identifies the individual Post Office or metropolitan area delivery station associated with an address.

Years of Experience

Number of years of experience of the person being described by the Role term.

Utility Services

Energy services offered by the utility, please se Resources for a complete list of constrained list options.

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Telephone Number Label

The type of telephone number, to distinguish between multiple instances of Telephone Number.

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Telephone Number

Telephone number associated with the contact. Format: Country code (area code) NNN-NNNN.

Telephone Extension

Extension number ot reach the contact.

Subaddress Type

The type of subaddress to which the associated Subaddress Identifier applies.

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Subaddress Identifier

The letters, numbers, words, or combination thereof used to distinguish different subaddresses of the same type when several occur within the same feature. For example, in subaddress "Building 4", the Subaddress Identifier = "4". Subaddress Identifier can also be parts of a building, for example "Penthouse" or "Mezzanine".

Street Name Pre Type

A word or phrase that precedes the Street Name and identifies a type of thoroughfare in a complete street name. Refer to Street Name Post Type for a complete list of pre types. For example, "Highway 101" has a Street Name Pre Type = "Highway" and a Street Name = "101". In addition, a pre type can include further details, such as "County Road 88" where the Street Name Pre Type = "County Road" and the Street Name = "88".

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Street Name Pre Modifier

A word or phrase in a complete street name that precedes and modifies the Street Name, but is separated from it by a Street Name Pre Type or a Street Name Pre Directional or both; or is placed outside the Street Name so that the Street Name can be used in creating a sorted (alphabetical or alphanumeric) list of street names.

Street Name Pre Directional

A word preceding the street name that indicates the directional taken by the thoroughfare. Refer to Cardinal Direction for constrained list. In the examples "North Lane" and "South Carolina Avenue" the directional words are part of the Street Name, not the Street Name Predirectional.

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Street Name Post Type

The suffix portion of a street address.

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Street Name Post Modifier

A word or phrase in a complete street name that follows and modifies the Street Name, but is separated from it by a Street Name Post Type or a Street Name Post Directional or both. For example, in "East End Avenue Extension" the Street Name Post Modifier is "Extension"

Street Name Post Directional

The direction indicator that follows the street name. Refer to Cardinal Direction for constrained list.

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Street Name

The portion of the complete street name that identifies the particular thoroughfare (as opposed to the Street Name Pre Modifier, Street Name Post Modifier, Street Name Pre Directional, Street Name Post Directional, Street Name Pre Type, Street Name Post Type, and Separator Element (if any) in the complete street name.)

