Dishwasher Capacity

Dishwasher capacity can use the amount of dishes that can fit on a dishwasher rack. ENERGY STAR has set a capacity limit that also differentiates between standard-sized models, fitting at least eight place settings and six serving places, and compact-sized models, fitting lower than that.

Data Type: 
Constrained List
Unit of Measure: 
Commercial, Residential, Multifamily
List Options Option Definition Unit of Measuresort ascending
None None None
Not applicable Not applicable None
Compact A dishwasher that has a capacity of less than eight place settings plus six serving pieces as specified in ANSI/AHAM DW-1. None
Standard A dishwasher that has a capacity equal to or greater than eight place settings plus six serving pieces as specified in ANSI/AHAM DW-1. None
Other Other None
Unknown Unknown None
Term ID: 25358c6f-bf56-4bf5-a0d0-ab513dda30e8